More than a third of respondents thought of quitting in the last 12 months:
The challenge of skills shortages
The challenge of skills shortages
The shortage of skilled workers is becoming the key bottleneck resource of our time. The causes of this acute shortage are manifold and the effects are serious: machine downtimes, shorter opening hours, poor service, long waiting times and declining quality are just a few examples.
At the same time, more and more deskless workers are discovering the principles of “New Work” for themselves. They are striving for a better work-life balance, are looking for jobs that correspond to their value system and want to realize their own potential. This development leads to a weaker bond with the employer and greater courage for personal change.
Our study
In view of these changes, we would like to understand what motivates deskless workers to change jobs, and what keeps them in their current job. You can find the initial results of our survey in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics at RWTH Aachen University on this page. What does this change mean for the manufacturing industry? And how can employers attract and inspire the valuable resource of employees in the long term?
The challenge of skills shortages
The shortage of skilled workers is becoming the key bottleneck resource of our time. The causes of this acute shortage are manifold and the effects are serious: machine downtimes, shorter opening hours, poor service, long waiting times and declining quality are just a few examples.
At the same time, more and more deskless workers are discovering the principles of “New Work” for themselves. They are striving for a better work-life balance, are looking for jobs that correspond to their value system and want to realize their own potential. This development leads to a weaker bond with the employer and greater courage for personal change.
Our study
In view of these changes, we would like to understand what motivates deskless workers to change jobs, and what keeps them in their current job. You can find the initial results of our survey in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics at RWTH Aachen University on this page. What does this change mean for the manufacturing industry? And how can employers attract and inspire the valuable resource of employees in the long term?
General data of the study and participant structure
Over 500 employees of German companies were surveyed based on an anonymous online questionnaire. The participants surveyed belong to the manufacturing industry and represent a good cross-section of all company sizes.
Over 500 employees of German companies were surveyed based on an anonymous online questionnaire. The participants surveyed belong to the manufacturing industry and represent a good cross-section of all company sizes.
A good relationship with employees – priceless!
As expected, good pay comes first when it comes to choosing an employer. However, it is striking how important good communication and appreciation are for many of those surveyed. These intangible values cost nothing and yet are crucial for attracting and retaining qualified specialists in the long term.
As expected, good pay comes first when it comes to choosing an employer. However, it is striking how important good communication and appreciation are for many of those surveyed. These intangible values cost nothing and yet are crucial for attracting and retaining qualified specialists in the long term.
Almost half of all deskless workers suffer from health problems due to their working hours:
Reasons to quit
Poor pay is the most common reason why respondents think about resigning. This is closely followed by a lack of appreciation and stressful working conditions.
Fears about the future also play a major role: many respondents would leave their company if the order situation deteriorated. Interestingly, health is also frequently cited as a reason for leaving. This is reflected both directly in the open-ended questions and indirectly through references to stressful working conditions, bullying, poor working conditions, age and work-life balance.
Poor pay is the most common reason why respondents think about resigning. This is closely followed by a lack of appreciation and stressful working conditions.
Fears about the future also play a major role: many respondents would leave their company if the order situation deteriorated. Interestingly, health is also frequently cited as a reason for leaving. This is reflected both directly in the open-ended questions and indirectly through references to stressful working conditions, bullying, poor working conditions, age and work-life balance.
frapp adapts work to life
frapp is the leading life-work app for deskless workers. With flexibility and co-determination in working time planning and seamless communication, frapp is the central entry point for deskless workers to the digital world of their company.
frapp adapts work to life
frapp is the leading life-work app for deskless workers. With flexibility and co-determination in working time planning and seamless communication, frapp is the central entry point for deskless workers to the digital world of their company.
For less than a fifth, flexible working hours are a very important factor when choosing a job:
Flexibility as Gamechanger

Underdog with potential
The flexibilization of shift planning is viewed skeptically by many employees. Only 17% of respondents see it as a strong criterion when choosing an employer. Nevertheless, flexible working models offer considerable advantages for both companies and employees: flex shifts to better cover demand, reduced working hours to reduce absenteeism, part-time, preference statements and self-scheduling to improve work-life balance.
The flexibilization of shift planning is viewed skeptically by many employees. Only 17% of respondents see it as a strong criterion when choosing an employer. Nevertheless, flexible working models offer considerable advantages for both companies and employees: flex shifts to better cover demand, reduced working hours to reduce absenteeism, part-time, preference statements and self-scheduling to improve work-life balance.
Engaging employees
The deskless workforce’s working time requests are diverse: more night shifts, mom times (8 am – 3 pm) and doctor’s appointments during the week. A 4-day week reduced working hours and more days off were also frequently mentioned. Good staff scheduling can help to accommodate some of these heterogeneous needs. 64% of respondents would like their working time preferences to be considered when planning shifts. Including these in the planning process can reduce short-term rescheduling and increase employee satisfaction.
The deskless workforce’s working time requests are diverse: more night shifts, mom times (8 am – 3 pm) and doctor’s appointments during the week. A 4-day week reduced working hours and more days off were also frequently mentioned. Good staff scheduling can help to accommodate some of these heterogeneous needs. 64% of respondents would like their working time preferences to be considered when planning shifts. Including these in the planning process can reduce short-term rescheduling and increase employee satisfaction.


Here to support you with expertise:
Nicole Spratte
Here to support you with expertise:
Nicole Spratte